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Operative Log Guidelines for General Surgery Residents

American Board of Surgery  |  ACGME Surgery Case Log Info | Questions

This page provides General Surgery Residents with guidelines for preparing their Surgery OPERATIVE LOG Data for submission to the ACGME at the completion of training. Please be sure to review Dr. Hirose's General Guide to Case Logging, which provides important information and tips on successful case logging. 

Credit Roles for Surgery Residents

Only one resident may take credit as surgeon for each operation and only for one procedure in a multi-procedure operation. On same patient/same day/same operation a senior resident may take credit as surgeon while another resident takes credit as a First Assistant, or a senior resident may take credit as a Teaching Assistant while a more junior resident takes credit as a surgeon. 

  • SC = Surgeon Chief Year (only cases credited as surgeon during 12 months of Chief Year)
  • SJ = Surgeon Junior Years (all cases credited as surgeon prior to Chief Year) 
  • TA = Teaching Assistant (more senior resident working with junior resident who takes credit as surgeon) 
  • FA = First Assistant (any instance in which a resident assists at an operation with another surgeon---an attending or more senior resident---responsible for the operation).

Defined Category Minimum Requirements

ACGME Case Log Information

Defined Categories/Sub-categories Minimum Operative Experience for Chiefs (effective 2017-18) NOTES
Skin, Soft Tissue (SS) 25  
Breast (B) 40  
    Mastectomy 5  
    Axilla 5  
Head and Neck (H&N) 25  
Alimentary Tract (ALTR) 180  
    Esophagus 5  
    Stomach 15  
    Small Intestine 25  
    Large Intestine 40  
    Appendix 40  
    Anorectal 20  
Abdominal (AB) 250  
    Biliary 85  
    Hernia 85  
    Liver 5  
    Pancreas 5  
Vascular (VASC) 50  
    Access 10  
    Anastamosis, Repair, or 
Endocrine (ENDO) 15  
    Thyroid or Parathyroid 10  
Operative Trauma (TRAUMOP) 10  
Non-operative trauma (TRNONOP) 40 Use code 92950 to log
    Resuscitations as Team 
10 Use code 92950 to log
Thoracic Surgery (THOR) 20  
    Thoracotomy 5  
Pediatric Surgery (PED) 20  
Plastic Surgery (PLAS) 10  
Surgical Critical Care 40  
Laparoscopic Basic (LAP-B) 100 Includes:
Endoscopy (ENDO) 85  
    Upper Endoscopy 35 Includes percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
    Colonoscopy 50  
Laparoscopic Complex (LAP-C) 75 Includes:
Lap, gastrostomy and feeding jejunoscopy;
Lap, inguinal and incisional herniorrhaphy;
Bariatric laparoscopy;
Lap, anti-reflux procedure;
Lap, enterolysis;
Lap, small and large bowel;
Lap, renal and adrenal surgery;
Lap, donor nephrectomy;
Lap, splenectomy
Total Cases    
Major Credit 850 Program goal: 1050+
Chief Credit 200 Program goal: 250
Other Case Types/Surgeon Roles  
Critical Care 25 Use code 99292 to log
Teaching Assistant 25  
Minimum Operative Experience for PGY2s (starting 2014)  
Total Cases 250 Program goal: 300
Defined Category Cases 200