The SEC regularly reviews and assesses the rotational and didactic curriculum of the General Surgery residency. This includes a yearly review of every rotation, regular reviews of each aspect of the didactic curriculum, including Skills Lab, by level.
The SEC meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 5:30-7:00pm and is chaired by Rita Mukhtar, M.D., Associate Program Director for Curriculum.
In addition to the regular SEC members listed below, resident representation at each level is determined by class selection prior to the start of the academic year. Residents at each level listed below are expected to attend (or notify a back-up to attend in their place). Each class's representative is encouraged to solicit feedback or questions from their class prior to the meeting to address during the committee meeting. Resident participation is not limited to the participants listed below; all are welcome to attend!
PGY Level
Resident Representatives for 2024-25 AY
Nathan Brand, Amandine Godier-Furnemont, Dan Hoffman, Katherine Sanders, Ava Yap (representatives will rotate each month)