University of California San Francisco

Resident Assessment & Evaluation

During  general surgery training, resident progress and performance will be evaluated in the following ways:

1. EPA Micro-Assessment Forms (combined)

UCSF GS EPA Assessment Form

The link above lead to mobile EPA (pre/intra/post-operative and clinical skills) assessment forms, which can be completed on any internet connected computer or device. These ad hoc micro-assessments are directed at a specific patient encounter, either in the operating room, clinic, or hospital. It is important that residents are familiar with the EPAs. The faculty will complete the form, but the residents should remind the faculty after an operation, clinic, or seeing a consult with any of the surgical conditions included in the EPA diagram above. These assessments forms can also be completed for surgical conditions and procedures that are not included in the list of General Surgery EPAs. Senior residents (PGY4/5) will also be responsible for completing the EPA assessment forms for junior residents (PGY1/2) for applicable rotations.

Residents will have real-time access to all their completed EPA assessment forms, however they are offline at the moment while we work on the back-end due to the new combined EPA form.

For any questions, concerns, or technical difficulties, please email Winnie Green ([email protected]) and Dr. Lan Vu ([email protected]) right away. 

2. End-of-Rotation Evaluations

These evaluations (both completed by residents and for residents) are administered through MedHub. Written evaluations are an important mechanism by which we measure and track resident performance, as well obtain resident feedback. In general, during each rotation residents are evaluated by peers (chief and senior, as well as junior residents), as well as designated faculty members who submit evaluations based on a faculty group consensus of residents' performance. Additionally, for each rotation residents are given the opportunity to evaluate their peers (senior/chief/junior residents), all faculty they work with, as well as the rotation as a whole.

If residents have any questions on the resident assessment/evaluation process, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Lan Vu, APD of Assessment/Evaluation at [email protected] or schedule a 30 minute meeting with her to discuss your semiannual performance review.

Completing MedHub Evals on Desktop

Completing MedHub Evals on Mobile

Background & Definitions

  • EPA (Entrustable Professional Activities) are units of work a physician performs that can be directly observed - things people do, such as evaluating and managing a patient experiencing a specific medical concern. The American Board of Surgery (ABS) have identified 18 EPAs for General Surgery, for which trainees should be deemed competent by the end of their training.

  • Competencies are broad and foundational domains of ability, which are defined by the ACGME. These include medical knowledge, patient care, professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, practice-based learning and improvement, and system-based practice.  
  • Milestones are capabilities that describe progress at advancing levels of competence along the sequence from novice to expert. For each ACGME-defined competency domain, trainees will be assigned milestone level at the semiannual performance review. Residents are reviewed every 6 months by the Clinical Competency Committee (CCC), which includes education leadership team, rotation education leads, and clinical advisors.